Puppy at home - Good start with Husse
You’ve made the important decision and have chosen your furry friend. Now the most important stage of your puppy’s life is beginning.

During the first year of their life puppies require some special care, to ensure their great health and proper physical form for the upcoming years. Proper training, care and a healthy diet from the very beginning is an investment in your dog’s future that will pay off with a great shape of your pet and good behaviour in any situation in your dog’s everyday life.
Valp Plus | Gluten free dry food for puppies & mother dogs with sensitive digestive systems
Sensitive Valp Digest | Gluten free dry food for puppies with digestive sensitivities
Valp Mini | Balanced nutrition for puppies & mother dogs of small breeds
Valp Maxi | Balanced nutrition for puppies & mother dogs of large breeds

First time at a new house
Before you bring your new puppy home, make sure everything is prepared and nothing will surprise you. Tell all your family members, especially the youngest, that a dog needs some time to get accustomed to the new surroundings. First day in a new home is quite a stressful time for a puppy, so you should give your pet some time to adjust to the new situation. Give your puppy time before you introduce any further family members or friends - it is best to do so when your dog is fully comfortable in his new space.
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Essential equipment for a puppy
Give your new family member proper essential equipment. Have a dog bed ready as well as bowls and toys and show your dog where his place to sleep is, where is the food and water and what can be used during playtime. You can find all the necessary items at Husse, including dry food for puppies from the Valp line, food bowls, dog bed, toys, brush, shampoo and pick up bags.
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Puppy development
Both the physical and mental development of puppies is very dynamic. Proper training and properly selected training will strengthen your relationship and give your pet a sense of stability. Learning from an early age is necessary for the dog to learn the necessary commands and learn how to behave at home, towards other household members and animals.
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Health and Care
Make your puppy get used to home checkups: checking teeth, paws, claws, and looking at his ears. This will make an adult dog feel comfortable when you check its hygiene or health. Check that your dog's nose is slightly moist and that the eyes are clean and free from pus at the corners or tearing. Around 4 months of age, puppies begin to lose milk teeth. During this period, be sure to check your pet's teeth. A dog's permanent teeth should be shiny and white, gums pink with no red rim at the base of the teeth. Controlling a dog's ears is extremely important, especially in breeds that have droopy ears. The ear canal must be dry. Also, keep an eye on your pet's weight and body temperature to detect any deviations from the norm as soon as possible.
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